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My beautiful time with them, part 1

At the end of our camp I would like to say “ It’s was unusual time for me and I’m proud as a peacock, that I could know so fascinating team.” Do you remember my story? If not, please read it one more as recollection of our stay in small, polish town Suchedniów.

I will be sharing with you one of my passions, bicycle riding. Not to produce, not to sell, not to repair it. Simply, I enjoy riding my bike. Can you ride a bike? Yes ? I am not surprised, because probably everybody in the audience can do it. My aim is to infect you with my love of riding a bicycle more. What it means to me?

If I want to escape from problems, if I have free time, if the weather permit, if I'm in good or bad mood, if I’m alone or with bicycle never fails me. It's always ready for use.

Can you imagine my day riding my bike ? I would like to describe it to you. 

It was a beautiful sunny day, quite unusual and fresh, also the humidity in the air was optimal. I made the quick decision ....."today I will ride my bike for 80 km".

I chose Sandomierz. The city is very popular and known for TV series " Father Mateusz" a priest who solves crimes.

The way to this city is incredibly beautiful. The highlights of my ride include orchards with plums, pears, apples and gardens full of plants and vegetables. You can also see on one side fertile fields full of cereals and on the other side a flowing river. You feel, as though your head is amongst the clouds. After riding through the gardens and orchards I could see many pastures and domestic animals like a horses, sheep and cows.

Above my head I could hear the sounds of birds and under my legs and feet the singing of frogs and grasshoppers. You can switch off your mind and listen to the sounds of nature. Perhaps, you think this disturbed me during my ride? You are wrong. I can talk to myself and hold a simple conversation with my internal voice.

During my stopover I could smell the strong scent of fruits and flowers. I could also observe and admire the landscape and the hard working people. Sometimes I pick the fresh fruits directly from the trees. Often I feel like a robber, but I know this is acceptable, because it’s a natural occurrence. 

Sometimes, I ride down along the river bank, sometimes on wild paths, sometimes on the bicycle path. Everywhere I’m surrounded by nature. During this part of my ride I always feel very comfortable and I think to myself how beautiful my small world is.

After 5 hours I approached Sandomierz and I said as I entered the town “ it’s nice to see you again” I felt the city smile back to me. The old square looks like it always, colorful and very friendly. Many restaurants welcome me and wink at me.

I know all of these historical buildings in the city. My plan today is very simple "nothing to do". From the hill I observe the lazy river, sail a boats and anglers hoping to catch big fish. The last rays of the sunlight reflect off the windows of the city. I fell refreshed with a clean mind and relief. It was like an impact from another world. 

After an intensive day the biggest value I was able to take, was the balance between tiredness and rest, between sensitive of beauty and ugliness, which sometimes I could see in the small yards of houses.

In front of me was the next 50 km ride to my home, but that is another story. Don’t worry about it!

I hope I’ll be repeating this adventure many times, my connection with nature and my bike. I hope, that I infected you my fascination for a bike.

J. 22.08.2014, Suchedniów

Thanks to SAM.

Post Scriptum, One thougt come into my mind, we are on the right way to realize amazing dreams. Really! I am sure about it.


  1. Thank you Jola! It was wonderfull time! You are my inspiration! See you somewhere in the middle of nowhere on the backpacker's track.Kiss,kiss,

  2. Ten komentarz został usunięty przez autora.

  3. Jola - it was a real pleasure... Thanks for sharing your passion.
    Kind regards :-)

  4. Jola, thank you for your all beatiful stories.
    Warm regards


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