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My beautiful time with them, part 5

Recently, I have done one trip into myself. I dreamed about calmness, reflection, relaxation and the change for better my health and condition. There was beautiful sun outside. I had only one thought for long time and big motivation to total antidote of my body and mind. It's total, because before me was 13 days without food. It was a stay very close to the nature with a big portion of physical activities and among people who think similar to me.

For me it's another time in my life, when I take only sport wear and go to the same place with full of positive thoughts, which ought to help me to survive this unusual status of mind and body, which is before me. During this time, I go with the person, who made the same decision and wanted to do something for herself and to close the door and to go to the total clean of human body. We are full of hope to gather positive energy and power at least the nearest year.

Our place, where we will spend dozen of days, is located in the village in the valley of "Złoty Potok" and surrounded with Opawskie Mountains. Pokrzywna welcome to us with the sun, high temperature and strong spring air. I know, that it will be not to easy, but I know too, that is worth doing this challange from time to time. Why? I knew many times this stand after. It means after nothing to eat, after big dose of sport, after time of isolation from usual everyday life, after dozen days to get clean of mind and body. All this under supervision of wise and positively freaky people.

The Programme of our stay is completey monotonous and it must be so. Every day we start with gymnastics, later "meal". It means one glass of water with lemon and honey, later bath in the stream, when the temperature of water is about four degrees, later breathing gymnastic and body again, later lactures about physiology of hunger and strong and weak sides of spine and go for a walk and sauna and swimming pool and at 20 o"clock I'm dead on my feet. In the meantime a doctor examines, we exchange our experiences from ealier hungers and.... culinary recipes. 

Paradoxically, I had problem not with the hunger, but with weaknesses, which I had to feel. Sometimes the movement of hand or leg was a big achievement. The important thing is that it quickly went away and the longer time from last meal was the better I felt. Also from time to time we missed a food, but it was smother by very intensive days.

The awakning of spring helped us and diverted our attention from the weaknesses, which overtook us from time to time at this survival school. I know, that this way to clean, could be not possible without power of group. What gives you more motivation is the person close to you, who has the same problem and despite of her weaknesses she goes, wakes up, exercises, swims, smiles and supports you.

My last meal I ate on 2 April at 17 o'clock and next on 15 April at 9 o'clock. The first meal I ate it was small bowl of vegetable bulion. During that time I drank " sea" of water, went 150 km, what means 236.290 steps and lost 23.600 calories. The swim in the swiming pool, cold stream, all exercises were additional beauty of everyday life.

Another time I did something for myself and it gave me a lot of satisfaction and many advantages. My experience tells me, that it will be enough for many long months. What later? Well, either I come back here, or take care more about my health and with bigger attention I will listen to my organism. It knows the best, what is usuful for it. I want to go only straight way to good mood, health and internal harmony. I know, that it sounds like a promise. Yes. You right. In many months I will see, if I keep it. No more and no less. 

I should say one more thing. My spine thanks to me for care I gave it during this stay. My lungs and legs help me to go without tiredness and breathlessness and lost of weight is like icing on the cake. What's more one wants to take from life ?

J. 3.04.-15.04 2016

P.S Thank You Leszek, Thank you Victor. Thank You for yours professionalism and for possiblity to come again.

Thank You Marta for your measurement "impossible" during the hunger.

Ula you are great ! You managed to do it!

If you want to see some photos from my exceptional holiday please go to my post "Detoks w Pokrzywnej"


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