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My beautiful time with them, part 3

It was my second time in Zbożenna, a small village with the old mansion, where a few participants took part in a short meetings with Natives Planet. I was impressed by the place where we spent that time. The beauty of nature was the same in autumn as in spring.

First of all, it was the time of the hard work and opportunity to learn and uncover English again. What does it mean ? The shortest ...many new words, expressions and a good chance to speak English more and more. The Natives gave us many reasons to carry on our adventure with language. At the end of that stay I could say It was good value for money and it broadened my English knowledge indeed. Quality is the name of the game here. What more? I felt like writing the short story about my small world, what you can read below.

At the beginning I’d like to explain, that in this story, I didn’t want to write about my hobby or passion, because I wrote about them last time. My idea is to show you a very interesting place and to encourage you to visit it. Can you imagine a place where materials are prepared to decorate the world and make our world more colourful ? I want to describe it to you and try to see it in your mind's eye.

As you cross the first gate you can see a grey-blue building. One part of it is higher than the other. A narrow, white door leads you up the stairs directly to the sales and logistics section. You can see a very active young team. All of them are concentrating on the best service for customers and giving optimal products. The team is young, but this place has an interesting history. More than 150 years ago in this place was the first sugar factory in Poland and to the nineteen nineties it was a printing house. 

Through the window you can see the boundary of the city and the fence between city and village. The view from the window is really beautiful. The highlights surround this place are gardens full of plants and vegetables. You can also see on one side fertile fields full of cereals, domestic and even wild animals and on the other side a panorama of the city. Sometimes, you feel, as though your head is amongst the clouds. The people are surrounded by nature. On the outside, above your head you can hear the sounds of birds. You can switch off your mind and listen to the sounds of nature. It welcomes you and winks at you. Perhaps, you think it’s disturbing during work. Yes, you right, but only sometimes. It’s natural, beautiful and unexpected.

It’s time to come back to the place of employment for more than 80 people. The most are employed in the production section. The main values of all the employees are Credibility, Openness, Competence. It means.. they are open, credible and competent.

Your next step forward is a technology department. In this place is developed the way of making decorations. All of them can be used on many surfaces ..for example: ceramic, glass, enamel, wood or plastic. The technology team use available color ranges, suitable for customer needs and also create special, different effects for example glow in the dark (phosphorescent effect). In other words the technologists prepare a recipe for production in order to get the best result from final production.

The optimal recipe goes to the graphic section . What does it mean? In that place are made copy forms by computer and electronic devices. In the computer base of the company are collected more than 15.000 patterns to decorate different surfaces.

The next place that, the recipes go to is the production department. Here everybody is involved in different parts of the main process, for example to stretch meshes and stick to the frames, cover it with a light-sensitive emulsion, irradiate and clean it. Everything towards one aim, to prepare the printing forms and start to print different patterns for the many awaiting customers .

For sure you will feel the special conditions inside the workshop. Also you can see many printing machines where the printing forms are inserted with special paper and the patterns are printed from the first to the last color. 

You can observe a print speed between 550 – 1300 sheets per hour, special driers and special air conditions. Humidity has to be 65% and the temperature 21.5 C. The workers check the quality of each sheet of paper produced and also the precision of print and colors.

The last place I want to invite you to is the pastes department. Here are made the thermoplastic pastes or standard pastes in liquid form. It’s dedicated for different glasses. If you see, during your travels, a high wall in the building or you open a glass door or you use plates or drink a beer from a glass or use different jars and bottles and this things are colourful, probably the people who you met produced the materials to decorate them.

Can you guess what they produce? It’s a short and simply answer. The answer is many decals and pastes to decorate these wonderful things. This production is deliverd to thousands of customers in Poland and foreign countries. It’s worth saying that level of complaints is less, than half percent pro year. They work according to ISO 9001/2009 and many internal procedures and rules.

At the end of this story I should say that this place surrounds me every day form morning to afternoon, sometimes during the weekends and I’m very happy, that I can take part in this interesting life of this organisation and create it every day and I think to myself how beautiful my small world is. 

After an intensive day the biggest value I am able to take, is the balance between tiredness and rest, between sensitive of beauty and ugliness, which sometimes I can see here and there. How to do it ? I'm convinced, that it will be the topic of my next story. What else ? I'd like to tell you, that the simple life it means ups and downs many times. How to avoid any defeats and to be alive and well ? Unfortunatelly, I can't you give a very simply replay, but at the end of this story I have one pearl of wisdom to you...

Quoting Oscar Wilde, "the most important in the life is a good pick the parents". Supposedly, as easy as ABC. .

Nicky, thank you the most and invite you to my world.

J. 19-24.10.2015


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